Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Android Multiple Views

When I first started writing Android apps I never read much documentation as I am a hand on kind of guy. I always do this, I never read the documentation fully and always have to go back over my steps. It’s ok, I just learn slower eh? Well, the problem arose when I wanted to create multiple views. Creating multiple views doesn’t just consist or creating the XML and switching them via an OnClickListener under a button.

Creating Your First Android App

Today I am going to walk you through installing and setting up the Android SDK so you can create android applications. Android runs on Java, so if you don’t know Java, please step away now. If you want to try it anyway, keep following along. We first need to install JDK, the Java Development Kit. We will be installing JDK 5 which is the latest version as of writing this.

Creating Mockups with DroidDraw

DroidDraw is a free tool in java meant to help ease the life of a droid developer. I love the interface in Eclipse but nothing beats this when your on the go. It is lacking controls but works well for beginners, probably someone like you. it's not a bad tool at all, enjoy.

Clicking a Button

This isn't a copy and paste tutorial that your accustomed to seeing in this section. I thought I would step up and show one of my skills since this section seems lacking. I will probably write more Android tutorials including how to create the APK file to actually put them on an Android. In this tutorial we are going to click a button. Simple I know, but most can't even get past this. If you don't know anything about Java or event listeners then you might want to go read up on it before you continue. Also in this tutorial you will use Toast to show that you clicked the button since it's the easiest way.